As a supporter of Open Source software we support one product in particular which is KumoMTA. Currently they don’t support prefab Debian 12 packages. So for now I will create Debian 12 packages of the kumota-dev version so now and then.
Zabbix KumoMTA metrics template
KumoMTA has a nice metrics API on the URL /metrics.json to fetch data from KumoMTA. I created some items which are in general handy to monitor KumoMTA and a dashboard.
In KumoMTA you do need to configure HTTP API access. I configured it on port 8000 using the following config in the init.lua in the kumo.on(ínit’, function() section:
-- Configure HTTP Listeners for injection and management APIs.
-- See
kumo.start_http_listener {
listen = '',
-- allowed to access any http endpoint without additional auth
trusted_hosts = { '', '::1' , '<internal IP of KumoServer' },
For the template to work you only need a working zabbix agent which can do the function on the KumoMTA server:[{$KUMOMTA_HOST},/metrics.json,{$KUMOMTA_PORT}]
To get started import the following into your Zabbix and assign it to a KumoMTA host.
An examample of the Zabbix Dashboard graphs is here: